Training of permaculture Teachers with focus on Refugees

By Habiba Youssef

From the 26 th of May till the 3 rd of June 2023, the second edition of TPT4R was realized in Vidalia, Cataluña, Spain.

The Training of Permaculture Teachers is a course based on the curriculum developed by Rosemary Morrow and collaborators to enhance permaculturists desiring to teach and share their knowledge of permaculture with others. As many PDCs run by members of Permaculture for Refugees happen in a refugee context, the idea to do a course with a special focus on teaching refugees began to develop a while ago.

During the course, in addition to the original content of the curriculum, the facilitation team added sessions directly related to refugees or forced migration contexts. Those sessions included team building dynamics, concepts of decolonization, and notions of ecofeminism as well as sessions facilitated by the participants with a focus on migrants/refugee-led initiatives.

The facilitation team

The course hosted participants from different parts of the world including people from the European, African and American continents. Most participants are currently involved with initiatives aiming at the inclusion of forced migrants/refugees into the realm of regenerative and urban agriculture, permaculture, agroecology and social movements.

It is one of the main objectives of the course to make permaculture accessible to people with diverse journeys and socio-economic backgrounds and find the best ways to apply it into the different forced migration contexts.

We hope this is the beginning of many encounters and courses as spaces where people can meet, learn, interchange and participate in the continual improvement of our response as a global community of change and hope. More to come soon!

For more information about past and future courses, please visit:

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