The P4R Regions are currently in a state of activation and growth. We have hosted several online networking meetings for emerging regions, Asia Pacific and Europe Middle East. We are connected to the East Africa network also through the work of Permayouth, Permaculture Education Institute and the Kisumu City Permaculture Academy Kenya.
Take a look at our map below and see some of our network members. The green icon indicates where our network members s are located. Their work ranges from permaculture training and education with refugees in camps to teacher training to upskilling in new host countries.
With people from diverse backgrounds joining these monthly calls, from 11 countries, we have been inspired to learn about the important work being done supporting and working in solidarity with refugees at various stages of their journey. A strong sense of connection and richness has been felt in these gatherings and has marked a significant point in the growth of the network P4R is part of. We are looking forward to more cross-pollination and collaboration in the coming years.

P4R Regional Networking Meetings