Nurturing new relationships between people and places

Permaculture education for refugee and host communities, through training, peer learning, demonstration, and mentoring.

“I began educating my neighbours after the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course and leased one acre land from a Bengali family and with five other refugee youths who did the PDC. We started cultivating many varieties of seasonal vegetables around the year and now eat from the garden, distributing to the communities and selling the surplus in the market. We feel proud and happy to be producing, it gives us happiness, peace of our mind and respect in society.

Amir, Cox’s Bazar, Rohingya camp 19

Permaculture is well-matched to meet the basic needs for food, energy, water, shelter and a refugee’s concerns for self-determination and self-sufficiency. Permaculture methods facilitate and empower people with practical and positive connections to the land. It introduces design principles and strategies which provide immediate solutions for short-term survival, while also being framed for ongoing land rehabilitation and fostering social cooperation.

Explore Permaculture for Refugees

Who we are

Permaculture for Refugees (P4R) is a global network of educators, practitioners, community leaders and networkers coming from diverse fields of work, with a common vision to disseminate permaculture knowledge widely to refugees, asylum seekers, forced migrants and IDPs.


Permaculture education is one of the most effective tools to help people feel empowered in refugee settings. With its learner centred approach, and immediate on-the-ground applications, it engages refugees directly and gives them a purpose.

Join us

There are many ways you can get involved with P4R, as a partner organisation, a community, a network or as an individual. P4R is committed to enabling participants in the network to collaborate and cross-pollinate, so we can work with and support refugees.

Why Permaculture for Refugees?

Permaculture a key tool for responding to the refugee situation worldwide.

Gardening in times of drought, pandemics or war rejects the chaos and affirms human perseverance. Gardens are psychologically optimistic signs of regenerative spirit…They restore the makers as much as they restore the landscape.

Rosemary Morrow

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Your financial contribution will go a long way to support permaculture education with refugees in different contexts and stages of their journey.

Homepage photo credit: Low-Tech with Refugees

In P4R we use the term ‘refugee’ interchangeably with asylum seekers, forced migrants, internally displaced peoples (IDPs), refugees and stateless person. While some of these labels are used to define political and legal status of mobilised populations, it is our intention to embrace these situations under the umbrella of P4R.

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