Learning to Teach Permaculture During Wartime

By Permaculture in Ukraine https://www.permaculture.in.ua In May 2024, Alfred Decker of Permaculture For Refugees teamed up with the organization Permaculture in Ukraine to deliver a permaculture teacher training at the beautiful Ukrainian ecovillage “Zeleni Kruchi.” For the past two years, while organizing courses, we have been asking ourselves this question: how can we make the … Read more

Tackling Food Insecurity through Regenerative Agriculture in Nakivale Refugee Settlement.

By Gloire Mudekuza, Managing Director of Plethora Social Initiative Edited by Marguerite Kahrl (P4R) The world is currently facing a growing food insecurity crisis, and refugee communities like the Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda are among the hardest hit. As one of the largest refugee settlements globally, Nakivale is home to over 180,000 individuals who … Read more

TPT4R connection inspires international cooperation campaign

In a world where we can sometimes feel powerless, there are things you can do to really make a difference. In the words of Paulinho, a permaculturalist and founder of UNIDOS: “at least there are still people who believe in co-creating a new civilization, decentralized where people value humanity and again build relationships with nature.” … Read more

Alo, a permaculture practitioner and model

Alo Goshami, her husband, Shamal Goshami and son live in Horintana village, Union  Koilashganj, District Khulna, Bangladesh. Alo is a housewife, her husband is a day labourer, her son has dropped out of school and is unemployed. She was facing difficulties running her family’s day to day living expenses with the little income from her … Read more

Permaculture education and action programs continue to thrive in East African camps

They say that these permaculture programs make a difference to people’s lives by nutrition, food security, coming together in unity, earning income and improving health. The situation in East African camps is being exacerbated by global crises, food shortages and price spikes, so permaculture education, kitchen gardens and regenerative livelihoods are even more important. A … Read more