TPT4R connection inspires international cooperation campaign

In a world where we can sometimes feel powerless, there are things you can do to really make a difference. In the words of Paulinho, a permaculturalist and founder of UNIDOS: “at least there are still people who believe in co-creating a new civilization, decentralized where people value humanity and again build relationships with nature.” … Read more

Impact of the First PDCs in Refugee Camps

P4R is on the brink of releasing a full report of the outcomes of the first Permaculture Design Certificates (PDC) courses run for refugees in refugee camps. The project of trialing PDCs in refugee settlements in a wide range of situations began in 2018 and was halted by Covid-19 in March 2020. Ongoing regular communication … Read more

Permaculture Ethics at Work in Malaysia

As of the end of 2020, about 180,000 refugees and asylum seekers are registered with UNHCR Malaysia. Almost 86% are from Myanmar and from this figure, around 102,000 are Rohingyas. The rest of the refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia are from 50 countries such as Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Palestine. … Read more

Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT)

P4R member Marguerite Kahrl, recently participated in this training geared towards permaculture teachers who want to teach in refugee situations. This course was funded through an Erasmus+ EU grant and was run at the Gorno Draglishte Village in Bulgaria, in November 2019. Many people from all over Europe attended this training. The Teaching Permaculture for … Read more

1st Permaculture For Refugees Design Course

Bangladesh January 26-February 10, 2019 Funding: Quaker Service Australia   Background Bangladesh is hosting 770,000 refugees from Myanmar who were expelled by their government and army. They have been living in southern Bangladesh around the Cox’s Bazar area for the last 18 months. The impacts on the local people have been varied. At first there … Read more