Finding safe houses for women

There are times when some groups are targeted by other power groups. This is the case of women, who are Shia, of ethnic minorities such as the Hazara in Afghanistan. For us in a relatively safe world, their stories are the stuff of nightmares. In fact, even repeating them is very fearful. Alarmed and frightened … Read more

Call out: Send us your Best Permaculture Resources

for translation into Refugee Languages Our experience in Permaculture for Refugees (P4R) of teaching permaculture with refugees has shown that suitable good learning materials in their languages are missing. Materials need to be appropriate to regions and circumstances, as well as culture, literacy and prior education. This issue of equity and access taps into the … Read more

Alo, a permaculture practitioner and model

Alo Goshami, her husband, Shamal Goshami and son live in Horintana village, Union  Koilashganj, District Khulna, Bangladesh. Alo is a housewife, her husband is a day labourer, her son has dropped out of school and is unemployed. She was facing difficulties running her family’s day to day living expenses with the little income from her … Read more

Register your Permaculture Project on the UN SDG Partnership Platform

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the global Permaculture Movement are clearly, while not perfectly aligned, share similar values, visions and goals. Both emphasize the importance of restoring and regenerating landscapes, oceans, forests, climate, quality of life, and while achieving justice and equity for all. A group of experienced permaculturalists from the USA, Australia, … Read more

Climate change refugees in the developed world

Climate change is becoming more tangible in the developed world and Australia is experiencing its own internally displaced communities, its own climate change refugees. In the wake of the bushfires of 2019, the pandemic and a housing crisis, further disaster unfolded in February 2022 with severe and major flooding in the Northern Rivers NSW. In … Read more

Permaculture education and action programs continue to thrive in East African camps

They say that these permaculture programs make a difference to people’s lives by nutrition, food security, coming together in unity, earning income and improving health. The situation in East African camps is being exacerbated by global crises, food shortages and price spikes, so permaculture education, kitchen gardens and regenerative livelihoods are even more important. A … Read more

Eat what you grow, grow what you eat

Interview with Ernest Gibba and Marguerite Kahrl In P4R we use the term ‘refugee’ interchangeably with forced migrants, stateless or internally displaced peoples (IDPs), asylum seekers and refugees. While some of these labels are used to define political and legal status of mobilised populations, it is our intention to embrace these situations under the umbrella … Read more

The Buddy System

How the permaculture community can support permaculturalists in hardship, in devastated and deteriorating countries, or in camps/settlements for a long time Background When a country closes down or is battered by war and invaders, permaculturists, or perhaps others you know, are left locked in these devastated countries, struggling to have a life. Some leave and become … Read more

Natalie Topa shares about her commitment to Resilience Design

Over the last 17 years, I have been working all throughout Africa where I am based, as well as in the Middle East and South East Asia.  I came to East Africa in 2005, to bring my skills in Urban and Regional Planning to the context of post-war South Sudan where I focused on post-disaster … Read more

Support the GEN Ukraine Green Corridor Campaign

With 3.7 million Ukrainian refugees fleeing to neighbouring countries and approximately 190,000 Russian troops in the country, the situation in Ukraine remains frightening and uncertain, yet there are stories of hope and cooperation.  According to GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) Europe, while some ecovillages outside the Ukraine are welcoming refugees, so far the vast majority are … Read more