By Evan Welkin
We are pleased to share that Permaculture for Refugees is now an official organization, incorporated with a governing Council and a bank account! As a grassroots network founded with a mission to bring permaculture education to refugees and migrants, this is a big step for us. Over the last several years, we have partnered with fiscal sponsors or our network members to carry forward initiatives. This model has served us well, but limited donations and projects of our own design. As our work evolved, we recognised the value of forming an official organization to better manage everything from our data resources to projects to contractors and volunteers.
We have historically held and received the large part of our finances in Australia, with a majority of our founding members there. Starting there, we formed a Council of founding members, current and former Global coordinators, and representatives of our Asia Pacific and Europe Middle East Networks incorporated in the state of Queensland. By honouring these roots while representing the global character of Permaculture for Refugees, we benefit from a flexible incorporation structure and, possibly as a next step, not-for-profit status. Our Council members are Rowe Morrow, Greta Carroll, Ruth Harvey, Marguerite Kahrl, Evan Welkin (Treasurer), Trudy Juriansz (Secretary), and Konstantinos Tsiompanos (President).
We invite you to support us now that we have taken this important step! We now welcome partnership opportunities and donations. We opened a bank account with a customer-owned bank and a certified B Corp Bank Australia, linked to our website giving page. Donations will be converted directly to Australian dollars from any currency:
We we would like to to especially thank our network founders, volunteers, donors as well as a giving a special thank you to Morag Gamble of Crystal Waters Ecovillage for providing our administrative home base, along with Chritstopher Gibbons and Gunnebah Addiction Retreat for providing our file server space.
Permaculture for Refugees, Inc.
Incorporation number: IA4658388
ABN 32916464123