PDC in Kurdistan report

This PDC was run in the winter of 2017 in the Gawilan refugee camp, in nothern Iraq, near the city of Irbil, after this was liberated from the ISIS occupation. The course was facilitated by Rowe Morrow and Paula Paanaen.

By definition, any work in refugee camps is confusing. People don’t want to be there, they want to be home. Camp managers and NGOs are responsible for the health and feeding of residents and are little skilled in building communities. The sense is often transient despite the fact that the average length of time spent in a camp is 12 years and only 1% or less are resettled.

So anyone working in a camp must like refugees, and must be completely flexible, while knowing exactly what is valuable for the land and for the people, and what must be delivered so lives are ameliorated.

Please download the following PDC Kurdistan report if you wish to read about the whole story.

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